West Linn High School Performing Arts Dept.

On The Verge

Set and Lighting Design by Jon Ares.

March 2007.

On The Verge, or the Geography of Learning by Eric Overmyer. Directed by Jessica Middleton Murray, Costume Design by Lori Sue Hoffman, Sound Design by Corbin Wescott.

For our first “straight play” in the new auditorium, we wanted to stage a play that transform the space in a way we were never able to do before, and to let the space demonstrate how space can add to the storytelling. “Effortless” was the look we were going for, but as anyone who has done productions and sets with elevators and flying elements (and a large demand that lighting carry the story and locations) – “effortless” is certainly not the word back stage.

As happens a lot with plays, there were more people backstage (and under the stage) than there was ON stage. (Eighteen backstage, compared to six onstage.)


Once Upon a Mattress

